Winter Planter Bouquet
Start the celebration at your entry with an outdoor Planter Bouquet. Seasonal accent pieces and battery-powered fairy lights add twinkle to evergreens, all wrapped in a big bundle ready to set into your planters! Out of direct sun, greens will dry, but still look good for a month (or three!), and the goodies can last years. Custom planter design and maintenance, including spring and summer plantings, is available. Contact Brooks to discuss.
Start the celebration at your entry with an outdoor Planter Bouquet. Seasonal accent pieces and battery-powered fairy lights add twinkle to evergreens, all wrapped in a big bundle ready to set into your planters! Out of direct sun, greens will dry, but still look good for a month (or three!), and the goodies can last years. Custom planter design and maintenance, including spring and summer plantings, is available. Contact Brooks to discuss.
Start the celebration at your entry with an outdoor Planter Bouquet. Seasonal accent pieces and battery-powered fairy lights add twinkle to evergreens, all wrapped in a big bundle ready to set into your planters! Out of direct sun, greens will dry, but still look good for a month (or three!), and the goodies can last years. Custom planter design and maintenance, including spring and summer plantings, is available. Contact Brooks to discuss.